Your Next Generation Identity
based on device, user and location intelligence to achieve
your company's security dream:
Zero account take over
96% of the attacks happen remotely, from a location where the actual user has never been
Our Network
We are partnering with industry-leading channel partners and resellers to put secure localization as a key enabler of new digital identities into the hands of more customers.
Optimizing risk management is one of our strategic pillars, and, cybersecurity is one of the main challenges we have to address in a digital and hyper-connected society.
Executive Director of Investment Banking and Mergers & Acquisitions at ABANCA
Solutions like Ironchip's enable companies to mitigate and detect potential cybersecurity threats, which is already recognized as one of the great global issues of our time.
founding partner of Inveready Asset Management
Ironchip will revolutionize the authentication and authorization market, in addition to providing native and unique integrations, so necessary today to secure different areas.
CEO of Swivel Secure Europe and also Managing Director of BIO-key